It’s the start of a new semester here at UNC, and we’re gearing up for many exciting diPH-related developments in the coming months.
diPH Beta 1.0
We’re looking forward to releasing diPH beta, hopefully in early February. You’ll be able to get the plugin on GitHub, and we’ll also make a zip file available at We’ll begin drafting documentation, training videos, and demos soon.
Mapping the Long Women’s Movement
We’ll be launching our first pilot project, Mapping the Long Women’s Movement, by the end of January. Look for a big announcement about that!
Security Audit
Joe Ryan, Humanities Research Associate at ITS Research Computing and diPH team member, will be leading our efforts to complete a security audit on the beta 1.0 plugin with UNC’s ITS and OASIS. If we pass muster, we’ll be able to incorporate the plugin into websites, which will provide UNC users with additional support. We’d love to accomplish this by the end of the semester, so that Carolina users can begin incorporating these into their WordPress sites this summer. We’ll keep you posted on that front.
Beta Projects
We’ll be undertaking four new beta projects this semester in Bobby Allen’s graduate seminar, AMST 840: Digital Humanities/Digital American Studies. This course was designed as a laboratory for testing diPH beta. Our graduate students — who come from a range of departments including Geography, Religious Studies, Education, History, and SILS — will work with clients to launch diPH projects by May 6. They’ll be creating a Digital Wilmington Race Riot Project with the NC Civic Education Consortium; continuing our work to map Lebanese Migration to North Carolina, 1900-1920 with NCSU’s “Lebanese in North Carolina” project; designing diPH sites for two UNC professors to use this summer in their field-based learning courses; and helping a team of researchers in Munich, Germany map the global spread of purpose-built theatres from 1850-1990. I’ll be blogging in more detail about each of these projects in the coming weeks.
And, of course, we’ll continue to test, refine, and extend diPH. If you’ve got an idea for a neat feature for diPH, email me!