CDHI to Hire Program Coordinator

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The Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative is accepting applications for a full-time Program Coordinator. The position will be responsible for administering and coordinating the diverse activities and programs of the CDHI, including the DIL/IAH Faculty Fellows Program, the CDHI Graduate Fellows Program, the CDHI Postdoctoral Fellows Program, and (pending University approval), the Graduate Certificate Program in Digital Humanities. Duties associated with coordination of these program include liaising with academic departments and support units in the College of Arts and Sciences and other university academic and support units; organizing and executing selection recruitment evaluation for all programs; supporting the work of the CDHI Faculty Steering Committee Chair and Cyberinfrastructure Taskforce Director; serving ex officio on faculty sub-committees; and maintaining the CDHI website. The position will also participate in and coordinate professional development and training activities in digital humanities for faculty and graduate students, and plan campus activities and events designed to increase interest and involvement in digital humanities across the campus in cooperation with other university units, other universities and digital humanities programs, and cultural heritage organizations.

To read more, or to apply online, see the full posting.