New Version of Digital Portobelo Featured in Carolina Arts & Sciences Magazine

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Digital Portobelo: Art + Scholarship + Cultural Preservation” is featured in the latest edition of the Carolina Arts & Sciences Magazine (read the online version of the article). The release of this article comes with the migration of Digital Portobelo to DH Press version 2.0.

gallery viewThe updated version of Digital Portobelo features a new Gallery visualization, build from our Topic Cards entry point. In addition to the familiar conceptual map, the Gallery View features cards for each interview. Each card represents an excerpt of an interview, with a corresponding image. The resulting visualization is a vibrant, dynamic snapshot of the collection. Cards can be sorted by a range of values, which results in a visual rearranging of the gallery. Moreover, cards can be filtered on a number of meaningful categories of analysis, including Interviewee Name, Themes, Time Period, Congo Spaces, and Congo Identity. Selecting aspects for filtering the gallery will narrow the number of cards displayed at a particular moment. Clicking on a card allows you to listen to all of the audio while reading the corresponding English and Spanish transcripts.

The migration of Digital Portobelo highlights some of the robust capacities of DH Press 2.0. Look for the release of version 2.5 — along with many new visualizations — in the coming months!

Special thanks to Charlotte Fryar for her hard work on the project migration.